Tuesday, August 19, 2014



1. What color crown did the king of Upper Egypt wear?
2. What color crown did the king of Lower Egypt wear?
3. Who united Egypt?
4. Where was Menes' capital city?
5. Menes was the first Egyptian ruler to be called a what?
6. How many regions did Menes divide Egypt into?
7. Who was the main god (and sun god) of Egypt?
8. What was the main economy of Egypt during the time of Pharaohs?
9. What was Egypt's writing system called?
10. Hieroglyphics uses what to represent words?
11. What were professional writers in Egypt called?
12. How old were the boys when they started their scribe training?
13. What did scribe students write on at first?
14. What was Egyptian paper called?
15. What was found to help historians read Hieroglyphics again?
16. What language on the Rosetta Stone was the key to solving the mystery of Hieroglyphics?
17. What are some things Egyptians did to bodies to help preserve them?

1. White
2. Red
3. Menes
4. Memphis
5. Pharaoh
6. 40
7. Ra
8. Farming
9. Hieroglyphics
10. Pictures
11. Scribes
12. 10
13. Broken pottery
14. Papyrus
15. Rosetta Stone
16. Greek
17. Tight linen wrap, salt, oil

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