Monday, October 13, 2014



1.  What was the special name of the Muslim followers that came into India around 1000AD?
2.  They made the Hindus pay a special tax for being what?
3.  What are the 2  main differences in Islam and Hindu?
4.  From which class (caste) did some people switch from Hinduism to Islam?
5.  Who was the best leader of the Mogul Empire?
6.  How old was he when he became ruler? 
7.  List the 7 things he did to create peace between the Muslims and Hindus.
8.  Who was Akbar's grandson that became ruler?
9.  What did Shah Jahan have that cost twice as much as Akbar's palace?
10.  What did he build as a tomb for his wife?
11.  What was the Taj Mahal made of?
12.  How long did it take to build?

1.  Moguls
2.  Unbelievers
3.  Polytheism (Hindus) vs Monotheism (Muslims), Caste System vs Equal treatment
4.  4th class or Outcasts (Untouchables)
5.  Akbar
6.  13
7.  Married a Hindu, Lowered taxes during hard times, Preached religious tolerance, Did away with Unbelievers' tax, Allowed Hindus to build temples, Had Hindu advisers, Encouraged artists from both religions to work together
8.  Shah Jahan
9.  Throne
10.  Taj Mahal
11.  White Marble
12.  20 years

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