Friday, December 5, 2014



1. What 2 things helped Rome to grow into an empire?
2. Who was the Patrician leader born in 100BC that was a strong emperor for Rome?
3. What Egyptian queen did he help overthrow her brother?
4. What day is the "Ides of March?"
5. What happened on that day?
6. What were Caesar's last words?
7. Who took over Rome after the civil war caused by Julius Casear's death?
8. What were the 200 years of peace starting with his rule called?
9. What were the 6 improvements made to Rome during the Pax Romana?
10. What 2 large structures were built during this time that still exist today?


1. Powerful leaders and strong government
2. Julius Caesar
3. Cleopatra
4. March 15, 44BC
5. Caesar was killed by the Senate
6. "Et Tu Brute?"
7. Octavian (or Augustus Caesar)
8. Pax Romana
9. Aqueducts, Roads, Census, Mail System, Trade, Large Structures Built
10. Colosseum and Pantheon

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