Thursday, March 5, 2015

Revolutions Lesson 1 and 2 review questions


1. What was the first major industry of the Industrial Revolution?
2. What is textile?
3. Who invented the first textile machine?
4. What was it called?
5. What was James Hargreaves invention called (named after his wife)?
6. What were four problems faced with building a factory near a river?
7. What did James Watt greatly improve?
8. What did his steam engine use for fuel?
9. What group had to get a lot of the coal and work in awful conditions?
10. What were the 2 classes of people during the Industrial Revolution?
11. What was the new railroad called?
12. Name one bad and one good of the Industrial Revolution.

1. Textile
2. Cloth
3. John Kay
4. Flying Shuttle
5. Spinning Jenny
6. Flooding, Freezing, Drought, Pollution
7. Steam Engine
8. Coal
9. Children
10. Middle Class and Working Class
11. Iron Horse
12. Goods = New technology, new jobs/products, Iron Horse.......Bads = Child labor, crowded living, social problems between classes


1. Who discovered the heliocentric theory?
2. What is the heliocentric theory?
3. What is the geocentric theory?
4. Who invented the telescope?
5. Who proved the heliocentric theory with the telescope?
6. What country was Galileo from?
7. What country was Isaac Newton from?
8. What theory did he come up with/discover?
9. How did this help prove the heliocentric theory?
10. What is the way used now to prove scientific theories?


1. Copernicus
2. The sun is the center of our solar system
3. The earth is the center of our solar system
4. Dutch
5. Galileo
6. Italy
7. England
8. Gravity
9. Bigger object (sun) has more gravity and so must be the center of solar system
10. Scientific Method

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