Thursday, April 30, 2015



1.  Who ruled the Qin dynasty?
2.  He split the empire into ______ provinces.
3.  Shiuhangdi had farmers build the beginnings of what?
4.  How long was the great wall at first?
5.  How long is it today?
6.  What was built to protect Shihuangdi's tomb?
7.  Who was the great philosopher from China that we studied?
8.  He thought each emperor had a right to rule called what?
9.  Kublai Khan made what city the capital of China?
10.  He also expanded the _______  _______ which connects Beijing to other major cities.
11.  What was built during the Ming dynasty for the emperor and his family?

1.  Shihuangdi
2.  36
3.  Great Wall of China
4.  1500 miles
5.  over 4000 miles
6.  Clay Army
7.  Confucius
8.  Mandate of Heaven
9.  Beijing
10.  Grand Canal
11.  Forbidden City

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